Beautiful sunshine, shorts and Tee's, 12 inches of snow ,back to having garden thoughts then rain, tornado's, more rain, flooding and that ushered in near freezing temps. And that is Spring in the Mid West in the US ;)
I have been busy crafting, swapping and sewing and watching my dear sisters in crafting video's. I did get into a challenge recently that was very fulfilling. That would be : . This is an organization that collects hand made cards of all sorts, with plenty of blank writing space. They forward the cards to military persons overseas for them to use to write notes and letters home to family. I was thrilled to be a part of this challenge and got a dozen or so done. We are hoping to do this several times a year.
And, again I was going thru my emails I got to one from Kim Komando which I am including below. How simple will it be to collect a few things and treats, box them up and get them to SFC Matthew W. Carley!! I will be doing some shopping Monday, so won't be home till lunch time, just in case you are looking for me :)
396th MP DET Law and Order (OEF)
the Soldiers: The soldiers are an Army Reserve MP unit from Denver,
Colorado. They are scheduled to be in Afghanistan until late Fall of 2013.
they need: Since the unit is in dusty areas, it's difficult for the
soldiers to keep themselves and their belongings clean. Baby wipes, hand
sanitizer, body wash, toothpaste, and shampoo are great items to help with this.
Also, they want to have a taste of home! Sending beef jerky, nuts, seeds,
pretzels, protein powder, energy drinks, power bars, cookies, and candy would
surely be a treat.
our service men and women are on base, sending items for entertainment is
helpful. Reading materials, DVDs, playing cards, games, word puzzles,
stationery, MP3 players, gaming systems, etc... are items that would be greatly
Lastly and most importantly, the soldiers
love to know you care! Please send a letter and even photos with your care
package to let them know you're thinking about them and you appreciate all
they're doing for us. One soldier told me that pictures of your hometown or even
McDonald's are comforting to see! Anything to remind them of home.
you'd like to show support for SFC Carley and his unit, please address your care
package as followed:
Matthew W. Carley
c/o Operation Komando
396th MP DET Law and Order
APO AE 09354
I was thrilled to receive a gift box after winning a challenge and it was like Christmas having so many pretties to open and enjoy.
I truly enjoy getting hand made things from my crafty friends. This little hot air balloon is just a treasure and she will be hung from hubby's fishing line from the ceiling tile, so you can see the like and she will look like she is just hovering ;) That will make me smile each day!
We are soon to plan our visit to Flossie and Mr. Wonderful at The Villiages and I am really excited already. This year we will be renting a car for the trip, last years adventure was enough to keep me in stress reduction classes for the next 5 years.
Will soon be celebrating the birthdays of everyone in the family from January thru April, need to get this in before they all are another year older. It will be exciting this year for one niece will be coming home from California with her fellow and we are not only excited to see her again, but it will be nice to meet her fellow in the flesh.
You know now, with the friendships developed on the computer social sites, you feel like you really know someone you have never seen in their skin. I have many friends, but several I consider close friends,I have never met. We share so much with each other, on line, it is much like the over the fence type of friendship of days gone by. I was able to watch a few shows of The Goldbergs. In Molly's old radio and early TV shows, she would catch up on all the news in the neighborhood and in the world, by calling out the window to the many neighbors who's windows were adjacent. During the days your clothes line was strung between two buildings and as you hung you wash or took it down to iron, you could catch up on all the important happenings of the day.
Just maybe this computer thing is not such an evil thing after all.
Hoping this finds you happy and healthy,