I know you keep hearing me refer to the 'Golden Years' being a myth, this is true. The cold got into these old bones and found a home. I believe some Advil and some warm blankets tonight may be a cure...at least for today.
Hubby is happy the show is over, for he has a fishing trip to prepare for. A week of man against fish, is, for him, nirvana.
And, a week on my own is my nirvana, hahaha
I haven't told you about my blessing, yes, I have been blessed with a new, used Viking Topaz sewing/embroidery machine. I have had it for a week, but the prep work for a show and the fact that the machine scares the bejabbers out of me has kept me from touching it. There is a huge learning curve and I had better catch on quickly, for we sold many embroidered flour sack kitchen towels and I will need more before the next show. I believe this machine will even cook breakfast and make the beds, if I learn the right commands. It is the learning that is the problem. And, I may have as many lessons as I want, but I have to lug the 200 pound machine into JoAnns for each lesson. A great way to discourage learning!! But, I am determined and so a lugging I will go.
I do have some cute patterns, both red work and applique, that I would like to transfer to the new machine format, so I will be praying over the machine and take my long list of questions to my first class.
I have told you about my cold, old bones and my blessing, so I will be off to search the blanket box for a comfy blanket and get a little rest tonight. A full report on class time to follow ;)
Hope this finds you all happy and healthy,
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