Sunday, December 2, 2012


Am fast in the throws of Christmas, having finished the cards and a little note to enclose, all that is left is for hubby to take to the post office.

Have started on the gifts, just started, so I need to get into gear.  Hope the sewing goes fast and the ornaments should take just a few days.  I say that, but there seems to be nothing I start, that doesn't have a glitch.  I am excited to have a project for my new embroidery machine, but this has a BIG learning curve, not only the embroidery itself, but getting the designs, getting them in the computer and getting that to my machine.  You can see where I might get into trouble, Ho Ho Ho

This group of cuties are the birthday crew - 1.  You know when they start to get older, you can't have everyone all the time.   They tend to get lives of their own.  How does that happen??

Who would believe you could eat a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner and still have room for birthday cake?

Will keep you abreast of the progress to the real Birthday Party, on the 25th.  Pray for me.

Hope this finds you happy and healthy

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