I am going to do just a short post tonight. I will do a real post with pictures on the world famous Pumpkin Show, but I have a little tease first.
I know this is not so fair for those not living in the Midwest, USA, but for those who do, I have a photo that is a ‘guess who’. And, no my family is not allowed to enter, cause you all know who it is.
For the rest of you, first to guess will get a free leather cuff from my shop at www.Zibbet.com/Tillysbridge, your choice of size, and I will take care of the shipping.
I know this is not so fair for those not living in the Midwest, USA, but for those who do, I have a photo that is a ‘guess who’. And, no my family is not allowed to enter, cause you all know who it is.
For the rest of you, first to guess will get a free leather cuff from my shop at www.Zibbet.com/Tillysbridge, your choice of size, and I will take care of the shipping.
Who is the gentleman in the photo?

I wanted to talk to you about Pumpkin Show in this post. As I scanned pictures and news paper photos into the computer, I decided I needed to say a little about Circleville, first.
I still see the town through the eyes of a youngster, because we moved back to St. Louis when I was a freshman in high school. I never lived an adult life in Circleville, so my mother and I see the town in a different way. She could tell you about the grocery store, it’s name and how it was set up. I bet she could even remember the prices of some of the staples!
I, on the other hand, remember non of that. I remember it was a wonderful place to go on Saturday and sit to watch the farm families come in to shop. Guess I have always been a people watcher, never thought about this till now. Families I didn’t know, and wow, they would leave with what seemed like the whole back of the truck filled with brown bags. We were a family of 4 and that was the number of bags I can remember being brought home. Never dawned on me that we could go to the store any time any day, it was one block away.
My whole life seemed to be Court Street and Main Street (think of a plus sign, Court Street going up and down, Main Street going side to side). Then there was Pinckney Street, where I lived. in a duplex. next to Grandma Clifton. You know the lady that was so much like a grandma, that you just had to call her Grandma, even though she wasn’t related. Pinckney Street was one block from Main Street, I just had to cross the street, walk down the alley and I was on Main! From a quiet tree lined street with some lovely homes, some big, some small and some that sat cattywampas to the street (the town was really built in a circle and several of the homes were still standing) to a short walk to the busiest, bustling street in the city.
Woolworths, the drug store, grocery, jewelry, bakery, and all the stores a person needed to live a good life. Yes, we even had a Montgomery Ward Catalog store. We had all these fine amenities because we were the County Seat of Pickaway County.
Most of you will have to Google the people I will be talking about, that is a reality check, for sure. Two famous stars were born in Circleville. Polly Bergen and Ted Lewis.
http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000917/bio For Polly
http://tedlewismuseum.org/biography_finalized.html For Mr Lewis
I believe I can still sing Me And My Shadow, word for word. Mr Lewis never forgot Circleville, he would come back from time to time, especially at Pumpkin Show and there were times he would bring a famous friend with him. I remember Sophie Tucker, The Last Of The Red Hot Mammas, being one, with her feather boa. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0876008/bio Both of them riding in a big black convertible, they were bigger than life. Mr Lewis provided gifts to the city, the park was named for him. The swimming pool, (that came when I was older) where I taught swimming, to youngsters in the early morning (when the water was freezing) was donated by him.
My grade school was a good walk, up Pinckney turn right, down Court Street to High Street, up several blocks on High Street was a BIG OLD two story building. That was my grade school. I can remember huge rooms, a lot of wood, floors and staircases on either side of the entrance hall. I remember fruit rolls, for our teachers. That was a wonderful secret communication between class mates to surprise a teacher by bringing a piece of fruit and at a preset time we would all roll the fruit up to the teachers desk. I remember loving to swing as high as I could, a seesaw that would take your stomach away at each decent and marbles, oh how I loved to play marbles.
We came home for lunch, there was no cafeteria, so the walk was twice the distance, every day. This reminds me of our bird. I don’t like birds (inside birds), they are messy and I think they belong outside and I have always been a little afraid of them even before Hitchcock’s ‘The Birds’. But Mother had a special bond with the bird and the silly thing would sit on her shoulder as she worked. It also had a penchant for butter. I came home one day for a lunch of my favorite, tomato soup. I liked to crumble buttered crackers in my soup, and I guess you all know what is coming. Yep, the dumb bird flew from Mom’s shoulder and, like a dive bomber, flew into my soup. I was so frightened and mad, I went back to school hungry!
Our home was, I believe you call them cannon ball homes, living room, dinning room and kitchen straight through the house. The upstairs was the master bedroom, hall, my bedroom and my little brother’s bedroom. That was a puddle in my life. He had to go through my room to get to his room. He would go days and days, only going through my room in the evening at bed time, but should I have a friend over to play dolls or dress up, he seemed to have to go through my room at least twenty times. A brother, sister thing I am sure, but at the time it was a very big puddle.
There were two totally awesome things about my home. One, was the fact that it was on the parade route, right by my front yard. People would come from all over Ohio to enjoy Pumpkin Show, but all we had to do was sit on the front sidewalk and 2 parades a day came right by. The second was that the side of the house was a stucco type siding and embedded into the stucco were small pieces of colored glass. To me it looked like a wall of jewels!!! Don’t tell a soul, but there were times I would go to the side of the house and pick some ‘jewels’ out of the stucco and put them in my jewelry box with the dancing ballerina.
As I got older, 7th and 8th grade were in front of the High School. So my walk would be up Pinckney turn right on to Court Street and walk for a very long time, till you reached school. Court Street was a wonderful place to walk. It was just one big beautiful home after another. Old three story homes I just knew must have servants and very rich people living in them. I really never found out, so I remain with my imagination. Have you seen the movie Meet Me In St Louis, with Judy Garland? Their home was like the Court Street homes.
That was a bit of my life in Circleville, Main Street, Court Street and our Pinckney Street. This has been a wonderful look back and I have remembered a ton of great friends, and great little memories, the penny candy store, Uncle Fran’s nap on the piano bench, 3 digit phone numbers, Daddy’s garden, our hammock, Grandma killing a dozen chickens hanging from the clothes line then plucking them clean, her coconut cake and front porch swing, visits from my best friend, then and now, my Dian, and the ‘Dingle Brothers’ who walked the alley behind our house, that would make this post miles long.
Thank you for taking this trip back with me and I promise Pumpkin Show will be my next post. I do hope this finds you all happy and healthy.
I still see the town through the eyes of a youngster, because we moved back to St. Louis when I was a freshman in high school. I never lived an adult life in Circleville, so my mother and I see the town in a different way. She could tell you about the grocery store, it’s name and how it was set up. I bet she could even remember the prices of some of the staples!
I, on the other hand, remember non of that. I remember it was a wonderful place to go on Saturday and sit to watch the farm families come in to shop. Guess I have always been a people watcher, never thought about this till now. Families I didn’t know, and wow, they would leave with what seemed like the whole back of the truck filled with brown bags. We were a family of 4 and that was the number of bags I can remember being brought home. Never dawned on me that we could go to the store any time any day, it was one block away.
My whole life seemed to be Court Street and Main Street (think of a plus sign, Court Street going up and down, Main Street going side to side). Then there was Pinckney Street, where I lived. in a duplex. next to Grandma Clifton. You know the lady that was so much like a grandma, that you just had to call her Grandma, even though she wasn’t related. Pinckney Street was one block from Main Street, I just had to cross the street, walk down the alley and I was on Main! From a quiet tree lined street with some lovely homes, some big, some small and some that sat cattywampas to the street (the town was really built in a circle and several of the homes were still standing) to a short walk to the busiest, bustling street in the city.

Most of you will have to Google the people I will be talking about, that is a reality check, for sure. Two famous stars were born in Circleville. Polly Bergen and Ted Lewis.
http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000917/bio For Polly
http://tedlewismuseum.org/biography_finalized.html For Mr Lewis
I believe I can still sing Me And My Shadow, word for word. Mr Lewis never forgot Circleville, he would come back from time to time, especially at Pumpkin Show and there were times he would bring a famous friend with him. I remember Sophie Tucker, The Last Of The Red Hot Mammas, being one, with her feather boa. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0876008/bio Both of them riding in a big black convertible, they were bigger than life. Mr Lewis provided gifts to the city, the park was named for him. The swimming pool, (that came when I was older) where I taught swimming, to youngsters in the early morning (when the water was freezing) was donated by him.
My grade school was a good walk, up Pinckney turn right, down Court Street to High Street, up several blocks on High Street was a BIG OLD two story building. That was my grade school. I can remember huge rooms, a lot of wood, floors and staircases on either side of the entrance hall. I remember fruit rolls, for our teachers. That was a wonderful secret communication between class mates to surprise a teacher by bringing a piece of fruit and at a preset time we would all roll the fruit up to the teachers desk. I remember loving to swing as high as I could, a seesaw that would take your stomach away at each decent and marbles, oh how I loved to play marbles.
We came home for lunch, there was no cafeteria, so the walk was twice the distance, every day. This reminds me of our bird. I don’t like birds (inside birds), they are messy and I think they belong outside and I have always been a little afraid of them even before Hitchcock’s ‘The Birds’. But Mother had a special bond with the bird and the silly thing would sit on her shoulder as she worked. It also had a penchant for butter. I came home one day for a lunch of my favorite, tomato soup. I liked to crumble buttered crackers in my soup, and I guess you all know what is coming. Yep, the dumb bird flew from Mom’s shoulder and, like a dive bomber, flew into my soup. I was so frightened and mad, I went back to school hungry!
Our home was, I believe you call them cannon ball homes, living room, dinning room and kitchen straight through the house. The upstairs was the master bedroom, hall, my bedroom and my little brother’s bedroom. That was a puddle in my life. He had to go through my room to get to his room. He would go days and days, only going through my room in the evening at bed time, but should I have a friend over to play dolls or dress up, he seemed to have to go through my room at least twenty times. A brother, sister thing I am sure, but at the time it was a very big puddle.
There were two totally awesome things about my home. One, was the fact that it was on the parade route, right by my front yard. People would come from all over Ohio to enjoy Pumpkin Show, but all we had to do was sit on the front sidewalk and 2 parades a day came right by. The second was that the side of the house was a stucco type siding and embedded into the stucco were small pieces of colored glass. To me it looked like a wall of jewels!!! Don’t tell a soul, but there were times I would go to the side of the house and pick some ‘jewels’ out of the stucco and put them in my jewelry box with the dancing ballerina.
As I got older, 7th and 8th grade were in front of the High School. So my walk would be up Pinckney turn right on to Court Street and walk for a very long time, till you reached school. Court Street was a wonderful place to walk. It was just one big beautiful home after another. Old three story homes I just knew must have servants and very rich people living in them. I really never found out, so I remain with my imagination. Have you seen the movie Meet Me In St Louis, with Judy Garland? Their home was like the Court Street homes.
That was a bit of my life in Circleville, Main Street, Court Street and our Pinckney Street. This has been a wonderful look back and I have remembered a ton of great friends, and great little memories, the penny candy store, Uncle Fran’s nap on the piano bench, 3 digit phone numbers, Daddy’s garden, our hammock, Grandma killing a dozen chickens hanging from the clothes line then plucking them clean, her coconut cake and front porch swing, visits from my best friend, then and now, my Dian, and the ‘Dingle Brothers’ who walked the alley behind our house, that would make this post miles long.
Thank you for taking this trip back with me and I promise Pumpkin Show will be my next post. I do hope this finds you all happy and healthy.
Enough Shop Talk, Lets Talk About My Miracle
I was born in St. Louis, Missouri, however I grew up in Circleville,Ohio, USA. I really reached my peak at about age 8 and it has been downhill ever since.
My miracle was at age 5, yes a real miracle. I was a very chatty child, (OK still am) and one day in kindergarten, I must have tried the patience of the nun, teaching. I got my mouth taped, and had to sit in the middle of the room.
I must have had to sit too long and without talking, my mind was in a whirl. And, I was so embarrassed, my temper got the best of me. As soon as all the other children were excused I was allowed to take the tape off, that was my second mistake. I should have just left it on till I was half way home!
As soon as the tape came off, I yelled, ‘you are so mean and I will never come back to this school again, you will be sorry’. This is all fine, I felt vindicated! I felt much better, for just a few minutes.
I now had the long walk home, Reber Place was a very long street and my legs were very short, (again, they still are). This gave me a very long time to start to panic.
What was I going to do? How could I get out of this mess? I was going to be expected to show up Monday morning and face Sister, after my brave nose to nose rant, and be embarrassed all over again. The longer I walked, the more panic set in, by the time I was at the front door, I was crying inside. I couldn’t cry on the outside, you see there was a rule in our home, don’t come home complaining about the teacher or what penance you had to pay or it would be doubled at home.
For a 5 year old this was a very heavy burden. What would I do, how could I ever get through this? I had really placed myself in a pickle brine with no way out. I hadn’t read Gone With The Wind yet, so I didn’t know anything about putting all this worry off till tomorrow.
As I climbed the stairs, we lived upstairs in a 2 family flat, I got sicker and sicker, but had to buck up so Mom would not suspect. We had half day class, Mother had lunch all ready for me as I entered. She was so sweet and kind, I was a little suspicious and a little guilty, after my evil morning.
She even sat down with me while I started to eat. This was strange for she was always cleaning, cooking and washing everything that would stay still long enough. And, she was talking kind of soft and very soon I was understanding what she was telling me.
Not to upset me, she was kindly telling me daddy had taken a grain inspecting position in Pickaway County, Ohio and we would be moving to a place called Circleville. I wasn’t to worry or be sad for we would come home often to visit all our family. And our grandparents and aunts and uncles would come to visit us. Well this all just drifted thru the air, all I could think of was the fact that I could go Monday and tell Sister I was going to move and would never come back again!
I was so very sure this was a real miracle, truly heaven sent, nothing what so ever to do with Daddy applying for a better position, NO this was a miracle sent by God.
I have never had a week end so filled with relief and joy since.
Have posted a few pictures of Circleville’s famous Pumpkin Show and a link for you to see a little of the town that saved my mouth from another taping.
Till we talk again, may this find you all happy and healthy!
Continue reading
My miracle was at age 5, yes a real miracle. I was a very chatty child, (OK still am) and one day in kindergarten, I must have tried the patience of the nun, teaching. I got my mouth taped, and had to sit in the middle of the room.
I must have had to sit too long and without talking, my mind was in a whirl. And, I was so embarrassed, my temper got the best of me. As soon as all the other children were excused I was allowed to take the tape off, that was my second mistake. I should have just left it on till I was half way home!
As soon as the tape came off, I yelled, ‘you are so mean and I will never come back to this school again, you will be sorry’. This is all fine, I felt vindicated! I felt much better, for just a few minutes.
I now had the long walk home, Reber Place was a very long street and my legs were very short, (again, they still are). This gave me a very long time to start to panic.
What was I going to do? How could I get out of this mess? I was going to be expected to show up Monday morning and face Sister, after my brave nose to nose rant, and be embarrassed all over again. The longer I walked, the more panic set in, by the time I was at the front door, I was crying inside. I couldn’t cry on the outside, you see there was a rule in our home, don’t come home complaining about the teacher or what penance you had to pay or it would be doubled at home.
For a 5 year old this was a very heavy burden. What would I do, how could I ever get through this? I had really placed myself in a pickle brine with no way out. I hadn’t read Gone With The Wind yet, so I didn’t know anything about putting all this worry off till tomorrow.
As I climbed the stairs, we lived upstairs in a 2 family flat, I got sicker and sicker, but had to buck up so Mom would not suspect. We had half day class, Mother had lunch all ready for me as I entered. She was so sweet and kind, I was a little suspicious and a little guilty, after my evil morning.
She even sat down with me while I started to eat. This was strange for she was always cleaning, cooking and washing everything that would stay still long enough. And, she was talking kind of soft and very soon I was understanding what she was telling me.
Not to upset me, she was kindly telling me daddy had taken a grain inspecting position in Pickaway County, Ohio and we would be moving to a place called Circleville. I wasn’t to worry or be sad for we would come home often to visit all our family. And our grandparents and aunts and uncles would come to visit us. Well this all just drifted thru the air, all I could think of was the fact that I could go Monday and tell Sister I was going to move and would never come back again!
I was so very sure this was a real miracle, truly heaven sent, nothing what so ever to do with Daddy applying for a better position, NO this was a miracle sent by God.
I have never had a week end so filled with relief and joy since.
Have posted a few pictures of Circleville’s famous Pumpkin Show and a link for you to see a little of the town that saved my mouth from another taping.
Till we talk again, may this find you all happy and healthy!

Well it is real. I have done it. Yep, my store is open and I have some things listed. My bingo bags, evening purses and leather cuff bracelet are in my store, at www.Zibbet.com/Tillysbridge. You can see some of my work if you click crafts just under my bridge.
Now I am so scared someone will buy something. What will I do? I know so little about mailing and there are 2000 choices. My own little town in my own little state, is easy enough, gee, if I had to, I could hand deliver, but this is no longer the case. The world is the place now. Do you know how to get a bingo bag to Australia, UK, Japan or Siberia??
All I know about is the commercial, ‘if it fits it ships for one price’. Do you know how many containers there are in that category, both boxes and envelopes? Dozens, yes dozens, large, medium and small, flat boxes, large, medium and small fat boxes, large, extra large, legal, DVD, and bubble lined envelopes. All are a different amount, and I didn’t try any of them on my crafts, to see what will fit in what size box or envelope. When you list your craft, you, at that time, must say how much the craft costs and what the shipping will be.
I did add, in my store policy, that any over charge in postage, if over 99 cents, will be refunded. I will have to figure out how to do that with PayPal. I think there is a way, just don’t know what it is yet.
Do you now see why I am so upset someone might acually buy something. But, if I had waited, till I knew all there was to operating the shop, mailing, payment and refund, I would never get the store open. You see I am old and don’t have the years of research left to me.
It was kind of a thrill to see my work in my shop, so with my knees knocking, I wish this post finds you all happy and healthy, till we talk again.
Now I am so scared someone will buy something. What will I do? I know so little about mailing and there are 2000 choices. My own little town in my own little state, is easy enough, gee, if I had to, I could hand deliver, but this is no longer the case. The world is the place now. Do you know how to get a bingo bag to Australia, UK, Japan or Siberia??
All I know about is the commercial, ‘if it fits it ships for one price’. Do you know how many containers there are in that category, both boxes and envelopes? Dozens, yes dozens, large, medium and small, flat boxes, large, medium and small fat boxes, large, extra large, legal, DVD, and bubble lined envelopes. All are a different amount, and I didn’t try any of them on my crafts, to see what will fit in what size box or envelope. When you list your craft, you, at that time, must say how much the craft costs and what the shipping will be.
I did add, in my store policy, that any over charge in postage, if over 99 cents, will be refunded. I will have to figure out how to do that with PayPal. I think there is a way, just don’t know what it is yet.
Do you now see why I am so upset someone might acually buy something. But, if I had waited, till I knew all there was to operating the shop, mailing, payment and refund, I would never get the store open. You see I am old and don’t have the years of research left to me.
It was kind of a thrill to see my work in my shop, so with my knees knocking, I wish this post finds you all happy and healthy, till we talk again.
I did promise we would talk about ‘free’ clip art. I can start by not naming names of all who made the statement ‘just type in free clip art, you will find thousands of free clip art’!!!
Well, yes you find thousands of sites saying FREE. But, no, it is a trick. They say free, but when you click on the site they want you to create an account, before they will even let you see what they have. Or, yes, pretty clip art for free, unless you want to use it, then you have to pay them $99.00. Or, it is free copy right, but the photo costs $50 or more depending on how many times you want to use it.Free is just not free, ever!!!
I found a site with many images that were lovely at Dreamstime and even though it states free-images, the bridge I found for my store on Zibbet not free. I was able to purchase several clip art photos for only $9.00 and am free to use them for my store, or any site I want, on business cards, or any promotional item.
Now, this is not free, but if you are facing a $99 purchase or a $9 purchase how much thought needs to go into the decision??
I will try to link and bridge I picked to this chat. Tell me what you think about my new bridge. Yeah, it worked, and this is not too far to walk to come visit my shop, it is just beyond the line of trees

Do hope this finds you all healthy and happy!
Oh, dear friends, if I didn’t have more than I can handle trying to figure out the features of this blog, I have decided to use Zibbet.com for my store.
This may take several posts. I was able to set up my account and pay. Oh, that was very easy. Now the fun. Pick a color for your background, pick a color for titles, pick a banner.
Now I have a banner, the one I use here, I wanted to use it there. The only problem is where in my computer would that photo be??? I looked in my photos, that made sense to me, nothing. I looked in documents, couldn’t find anything there. I must back up and let you know I have ‘pictures’, ‘my pictures’ and ‘Zoner Photo Studio’. I believe pictures and my pictures is just Windows photos. How did I end up with two,???, have no clue. Now, Zoner, I got because some computer geek said it was very easy to use, edit and manage your photos. That turned out to be pretty true. Yes I was shocked.
Well I found the photo between two photos of my youngest and her family, I have no clue how it finally showed up, or why it was where it was. So after hours, I got it on my site.
You then need to say a little about yourself (well a little is about all there is to say about myself), welcome visitors and thank them for coming. This was not too hard, my Mother and Father taught me to be polite. Now you need to write a message to buyers, something they will get as soon as they buy something. Again, Mom and Dad, thank you! This last one gave me hope that someone would actually buy something!!
Come to find out the above was the easy part, now you have to write your policies?? and rules?? I don’t really have any rules or policies, but since they have it there, I am assuming there is a real reason I should have some. Together with policies and rules you have to explain how you will except payment and how you will ship and the rules about these. Again, do I need to say ditto! Don’t you put it in a big envelope, take it to the post office and the postal person tells you how much, you pay and they take over??
I have been used to having people walk up to my craft table, saying I want this. I say thank you so much that will be $5. They give me $5, I put the craft in a bag and hand it to them, thanking them again. No, color choices, no banners, no rules and policies. WHAT WAS I THINKING?????
I am worn out just taking about this, I will have to discuss ‘free clip art’ tomorrow. Oh, yes, it will take a whole new day to discuss this matter.
Hope this finds you all healthy and happy!
This may take several posts. I was able to set up my account and pay. Oh, that was very easy. Now the fun. Pick a color for your background, pick a color for titles, pick a banner.
Now I have a banner, the one I use here, I wanted to use it there. The only problem is where in my computer would that photo be??? I looked in my photos, that made sense to me, nothing. I looked in documents, couldn’t find anything there. I must back up and let you know I have ‘pictures’, ‘my pictures’ and ‘Zoner Photo Studio’. I believe pictures and my pictures is just Windows photos. How did I end up with two,???, have no clue. Now, Zoner, I got because some computer geek said it was very easy to use, edit and manage your photos. That turned out to be pretty true. Yes I was shocked.
Well I found the photo between two photos of my youngest and her family, I have no clue how it finally showed up, or why it was where it was. So after hours, I got it on my site.
You then need to say a little about yourself (well a little is about all there is to say about myself), welcome visitors and thank them for coming. This was not too hard, my Mother and Father taught me to be polite. Now you need to write a message to buyers, something they will get as soon as they buy something. Again, Mom and Dad, thank you! This last one gave me hope that someone would actually buy something!!
Come to find out the above was the easy part, now you have to write your policies?? and rules?? I don’t really have any rules or policies, but since they have it there, I am assuming there is a real reason I should have some. Together with policies and rules you have to explain how you will except payment and how you will ship and the rules about these. Again, do I need to say ditto! Don’t you put it in a big envelope, take it to the post office and the postal person tells you how much, you pay and they take over??
I have been used to having people walk up to my craft table, saying I want this. I say thank you so much that will be $5. They give me $5, I put the craft in a bag and hand it to them, thanking them again. No, color choices, no banners, no rules and policies. WHAT WAS I THINKING?????
I am worn out just taking about this, I will have to discuss ‘free clip art’ tomorrow. Oh, yes, it will take a whole new day to discuss this matter.
Hope this finds you all healthy and happy!
I truly enjoy making things. I started with stamping. A wonderful group of women getting together once a month to do some cards, photo albums and scrapbook pages.
After retirement, I started sewing again. I remembered a little and my poor machine, 20 years in storage, remembered a bit and together we have made evening bags, bingo bags, aprons and pretty ponytail flowers. A few dresses for myself and I altered some sweatshirts.
At a show last year a gentleman came up to my tables and asked ‘what is an altered sweatshirt’? I simply answered, that I take a perfectly good sweatshirt, cut it up, sew it a little and poof an altered sweatshirt. He seemed to like the end result, once I showed him.
I am going to try to post some photos in the CRAFTS section. I have yet to choose between ArtFire and Zibbet. Must do this very soon. So much new stuff for this old dog. I have yet to master this blog. Again, cross your fingers for me.
After retirement, I started sewing again. I remembered a little and my poor machine, 20 years in storage, remembered a bit and together we have made evening bags, bingo bags, aprons and pretty ponytail flowers. A few dresses for myself and I altered some sweatshirts.
At a show last year a gentleman came up to my tables and asked ‘what is an altered sweatshirt’? I simply answered, that I take a perfectly good sweatshirt, cut it up, sew it a little and poof an altered sweatshirt. He seemed to like the end result, once I showed him.
I am going to try to post some photos in the CRAFTS section. I have yet to choose between ArtFire and Zibbet. Must do this very soon. So much new stuff for this old dog. I have yet to master this blog. Again, cross your fingers for me.
I have done it again. That is, again spent hours and hours, making homemade goodies, when in the real world, I know the grandchildren would much rather have Jelly Belly out of a bag.
One Christmas I made caramel, chocolate, candy coated apples, that took hours and hours and weighed 10 lbs. each. There was melting, dipping, drying, melting, dipping and rolling in chopped candies. It took days and hours each day. I don’t know how many actually even took them out of the bag. I only know one of the children said they had several left at their home and would cut one apple up and the four of them would eat off one apple for 2 days. Mrs Prindables eat your heart out!
I got the great idea this year to make my own Peeps, that is, use Ina’s recipe for homemade marshmallows and cut them out with a cookie cutter and to make conversation candies, (you know the little hearts we get with ‘hug’ ‘kiss’, etc). Found a recipe for them and couldn’t resist giving them a try.
Once made and cut out and dried for days there was trying to decorate the little devils. See what you think, (we will now see if I can attach a picture). Hold tight. I believe I have done it, whew!!!
The first is a marshmallow bunny and a convo. candy egg. In the third is a pink marshmallow egg. You might see the plastic egg in each container, I didn’t make them
but did put a little coinage inside. Nothing wrong with some candy and a little jingle in the pocket.
Will be cooking tomorrow, so will wish you all a sweet Easter and Passover for my Jewish friends.

One Christmas I made caramel, chocolate, candy coated apples, that took hours and hours and weighed 10 lbs. each. There was melting, dipping, drying, melting, dipping and rolling in chopped candies. It took days and hours each day. I don’t know how many actually even took them out of the bag. I only know one of the children said they had several left at their home and would cut one apple up and the four of them would eat off one apple for 2 days. Mrs Prindables eat your heart out!
I got the great idea this year to make my own Peeps, that is, use Ina’s recipe for homemade marshmallows and cut them out with a cookie cutter and to make conversation candies, (you know the little hearts we get with ‘hug’ ‘kiss’, etc). Found a recipe for them and couldn’t resist giving them a try.
Once made and cut out and dried for days there was trying to decorate the little devils. See what you think, (we will now see if I can attach a picture). Hold tight. I believe I have done it, whew!!!
The first is a marshmallow bunny and a convo. candy egg. In the third is a pink marshmallow egg. You might see the plastic egg in each container, I didn’t make them

Will be cooking tomorrow, so will wish you all a sweet Easter and Passover for my Jewish friends.

I have visions of a young person getting hold of this blog and having the best laugh of their day.
I finally gave in and called the ‘concierge’, (that made me feel important). Now I was asked for several #’s, yes, I had them, no, I couldn’t find them as fast as they were being asked!!! But, this fine gentleman, perhaps realizing he had a real problem on his hands, asked for my address; Tillysbridge.com, and boom he had it. Now as I asked about the fact that it seemed as though I had two sites, one that was a generic page and one that I had been working and posting on, he confirmed my suspicion.
Yep, you guessed it, I had two sites. I didn’t know my site was already set up, so I followed the written instructions and set up a new site. I am so sure, at least I gave my ‘concierge’ something to talk and laugh about tonight at the dinner table, when asked ‘how was work today, dear?’.
Next problem, my real site had nothing on it, my ‘wrong’ site had everything. Now can I get back to it and copy and paste what I had done and bring it to this site??? Yeah, yes I did. So proud! First puddle, behind me.
We will soon see if I can add pictures of my crafts and connect my store to this site and vice versa.
Now adding pictures, I plan to do very soon, maybe even today. But, my store, that is another story. I have been looking for a place that is right for me. Etsy is wonderful, but so very large and overwhelming, Zibbits seems to fit just fine, but is not here in the USA, so I could get caught in international shipping, before I have mastered local shipping. I have been looking into CraftIsArt.com, though it is new and small, it just might be where I belong.
Off for a little more research, we will talk again soon.
I finally gave in and called the ‘concierge’, (that made me feel important). Now I was asked for several #’s, yes, I had them, no, I couldn’t find them as fast as they were being asked!!! But, this fine gentleman, perhaps realizing he had a real problem on his hands, asked for my address; Tillysbridge.com, and boom he had it. Now as I asked about the fact that it seemed as though I had two sites, one that was a generic page and one that I had been working and posting on, he confirmed my suspicion.
Yep, you guessed it, I had two sites. I didn’t know my site was already set up, so I followed the written instructions and set up a new site. I am so sure, at least I gave my ‘concierge’ something to talk and laugh about tonight at the dinner table, when asked ‘how was work today, dear?’.
Next problem, my real site had nothing on it, my ‘wrong’ site had everything. Now can I get back to it and copy and paste what I had done and bring it to this site??? Yeah, yes I did. So proud! First puddle, behind me.
We will soon see if I can add pictures of my crafts and connect my store to this site and vice versa.
Now adding pictures, I plan to do very soon, maybe even today. But, my store, that is another story. I have been looking for a place that is right for me. Etsy is wonderful, but so very large and overwhelming, Zibbits seems to fit just fine, but is not here in the USA, so I could get caught in international shipping, before I have mastered local shipping. I have been looking into CraftIsArt.com, though it is new and small, it just might be where I belong.
Off for a little more research, we will talk again soon.
Well, I am in the middle of a ‘puddle’. Knowing nothing about a computer and it’s workings and terms has just been joined by the workings and terms having to do with blogs Yes, this is a real puddle.
So far I have managed to post a welcome and a little profile. However if I go to Tillysbridge.com the sample page is there??? Back to the instructions.
Another wonderful thing is the ‘about me’ posted and I guess I stuttered because it is on the page twice and I haven’t come to any instructions, yet, that help me delete the second posting.
Now I know it is a moot point, if my blog won’t show up when someone enters my address. But, what if I actually get it to work?? My very uninteresting ‘about me’ double entry will be out there for all to see.
Back to instructions
So far I have managed to post a welcome and a little profile. However if I go to Tillysbridge.com the sample page is there??? Back to the instructions.
Another wonderful thing is the ‘about me’ posted and I guess I stuttered because it is on the page twice and I haven’t come to any instructions, yet, that help me delete the second posting.
Now I know it is a moot point, if my blog won’t show up when someone enters my address. But, what if I actually get it to work?? My very uninteresting ‘about me’ double entry will be out there for all to see.
Back to instructions
The frugal crafter just told me you sell little bottle for glue and stuff pleases let me know if this is still the case thanks