We have one fair behind us, and yes, that Sunday was 99 degrees. I believe the only reason we had anyone show up was because the club house, craft fair central, is where the swimming pool is located. Many shoppers still had their 'floaties' on and a towel wrapped around them.
You all know I have been trying to figure out just a few items, and focus on them alone. I have been foiled every show. The altered sweatshirts, went like crazy, at one show last year. The little girl aprons were paying our entrance fee at another. The scarf and hat combo were a star at one fair. This last fair, the only thing we sold were the leather cuffs, and they were buying them 2 to 4 at a time. Now this is no help at all, how do I make any decisions based on what sells?????
As I talked about in the last post, I have added little boys 'daddy's little helper' aprons and had many positive comments. Only the intense heat kept shoppers moving quickly to return to the pool or their air conditioners. And truth be told, I didn't blame them.
Needless to say I didn't sell a single hat and scarf combo. I was heart broken at the couple who had an Alpaca booth. Their things were wonderful, but no one was in the mood to even try anything on, for the heat was so intense.
Our next show is the middle of October, with fingers crossed, it will be cooler than 98 degrees. Are there any takers on the bet that it will be 8 degrees????
Personal news, not much in the way of excitement. I am being faithful to the massage and compression stocking (what a fashion statement!!), and my legs and feet are, for the most part, normal size and the skin is back to normal, YEAH!!! As this improves, I get the news that the lesion on my face is basil cell carcinoma. Nothing to bother about, it will be burned off Monday, with a praise that it is not the nasty melanoma. What a praise!! And, the remaining freckles will help to hide the scaring.
Hubby has just left for the club to do a little fishing and target shooting. I am sure the guys will have everything wrapped up early to be in their rockers on the patio to listen to the ballgame on the radio. After all, we live in Cardinal Nation, and are rooting for a spot in the playoffs.
Children and grandchildren are knee deep in baseball, football, school activities and just everyday work and home chores. Life is progression as it should, grandchildren are so involved in church, school and play, that children are running to keep up with them. Grandpa just tries to keep a pocket full of Werthers Original hard candies, just in case someone drops by. And, we are both looking forward to a possible visit from Flossie and Mr. Wonderful in November.
Enough for today, so this is Tilly signing off,
Hope this post finds you all happy and healthy