The summer just flew and with the soft casts lasting till the 1st of August, I was looking forward to the compression stockings and the opportunity to get a little swimming pool time for the end of the season.
What do we say about Murphy?? So in the state of Missouri, August turned cool and rainy. Who ever heard of the month of August being cool, like 60 degrees in the evening, and rainy? Anyone, anyone???
It is just now turning warm again, but there is just a week till the pool will be closed for the year and I am knee deep in getting ready for the Fall craft fairs.
A few things that have been keeping me busy : and yes there is more
Off to the craft room, to finish my embroidery work, next week will be getting things in order and tagged and packed for easy transport. Shiver, shiver....first show is September 1st
Hope this finds you all happy and healthy!!