Our visit with Flossie and Mr Wonderful was, as always, the highlight of our year. We not only have the most wonderful things to do and see, but we feel so comfortable, we can kick off our shoes and feel at home.
From our dominoes game on the lanai, to the wonderful meals and the golf cart rides thru The Villages. This year we took the trolly bus tour to see and learn a little more about our (adult Disney World) Villages. It was well worth the time and was a tremendous amount of fun. We had newby's, visitors and homeowners and the funniest tour guide.
I was able to visit the beautiful (adult only) pool just up the street and hubby was a regular visitor to the pond just at the end of the street. Fishing pole in hand, he pesters the fish on a daily basis. But, I have to say this years highlight was joining several hundred people at the American Legion, one fine evening, to welcome the return of an Honors bus.
This was the time I just had goose bumps from beginning to end. What a wonderful sign of respect to the returning Vet's after a great, world wind, trip to Washington to see the memorials of the wars they served our country so well.
The Villages know how to do everything right,
for some of the veterans returning from their tour received a much belated honored welcome. One they never received when they returned from their actual return from service. For many of us still remember the dishonorable way they were welcomed back after Vietnam. That was a 'serve your country and return to be spit on and denounced as killers'. What a black eye on the citizens, who sat comfortably at home while these men and women did what their country ask of them.
Enough of my rant, watch the video above if you would like to see a little heart tug, well deserved reception.
Now for the comfy time: The sweet relaxation place ;)
Now, it is home and back to real life
Flossie has a beautiful new knee and is working really, really hard to hop, skip and jump (well ok at least walk) with her new knee.
But, I got into a little trouble for not letting her know about my discovery. My excuse was, not to give her any bad news while she was recovering. But, the little (I never get on the computer) stinker, got on the computer and saw my post :{
My first question is, who ever heard of Lymphedema??
This is how I will spend the rest of my summer. Needless to say I am not as happy as the pleasant days we spent at The Villages. My darn doctor just catches everything ;) It is really a praise that he recognized just what it was and started me on the path of control, for there is no cure, but there are steps to be taken that will help to keep it under control. For the best explanation I have found see: http://www.everydayhealth.com/health-center/lymphedema-pdq-supportive-care-patient-information-nci.aspx
Don't just assume if you have swelling, redness and weeping of blisters as just water retention, or dry skin. Talk to your doctor. As with so many things, the earlier it is caught, the better chance you have to keep it under control. If this helps just one person, I will be so happy.
Needless to say, with no swimming in my near future, I have been doing a little more crafting, which is my second most fun thing to do in the summer. And, have been ordering the material I will need to start building my inventory for our craft fairs this fall.
I have learned that it is a real mistake to think, fall is so far away, no need to be in a hurry starting on the crafts to be sold. For the earlier in the summer I start the better off I am when time flies thru summer and bingo it is fall and time for the shows :{
I will be adding some new crafts this year, I have some embroidered flour sack dish towels (I have always loved them, now lint left behind), and some boys B-B-Q aprons, like Dad's. As well as a tool type apron for little boys.
I had several people, last year, ask for, not just little girl things, but something for the little guys!! I will also be doing some for the butcher aprons for the men. Why, oh why, was I leaving the male sex out of my crafting. Do we not buy gifts for our guys and our little guys?? Maybe because they don't have ruffles and frills, we don't think of them, but this year the men will have a few things to choose. And, the embroidery designs, I believe will make them a little out of the ordinary. For who, I ask, likes our guys in 'ordinary'? Of course I will have photos to share when I have some made, am waiting for the material to be delivered and then off I will go.
And that is just what I will be doing right now, for I have bent your ear (eye) too long, as always, this is Tilly signing off
Hope this finds you happy and healthy
Blog: http://hisblp.blogspot.com/
Youtube: Barb Pollitt
Store: http://zibbet.com/tillysbridge
Email: hisblp@yahoo.com