Yes, silly as it sounds, friends can be made thru the Internet. We share our craft, it is true, but we also share our lives, our dreams, our families and even our hurts and sorrows. With so much in common to begin with, it is easy to understand how close we can get. This is different than neighbors or PTA groups, for most of us have never met each other. And, unlike over the back fence relationships, we come from all over the world. I have friends in the Ukraine, Australia, South Africa, Nova Scotia and the UK. I could go on and on, but you understand.
Some videos are not related to our craft, but could be something as wonderful as a walk to the store, in a small town in the Ukraine, a beautiful view of some mountains in South Africa, a weekend mini vacation in the UK to a beautiful home town and Cambridge. That was outstanding, she took a river tour of Cambridge, and we all got to join her thru the video.
I am also thankful, for the friends here in the US, we had better views of the winter storms on the East Coast than the TV news had. I got to watch a little alligator playing in the yard of a Florida friend. Share the canning experience with a friend in Ohio and hear tales of her first deer hunting experience.
It is no wonder I just take care of email, check Facebook and make any comments I want and hurry away to YouTube to visit all my friends.
I am blown away by the talent of these friends, most of whom, have had no formal training in their chosen type of art. This can range from photography, scrapbooking, card making, mixed media, water color, sewing, knitting and crocheting and cooking. I just know I have missed some areas where my friends excel, but think you see the picture. Many pieces of art, if they had the inclination, could be sold for 3 figures. But, most have home, family and maybe a small store on Ebay, Zibbet or Etsy. What they miss in having their work on exhibition in a gallery, they gain in doing all the things they love and sharing it with family and friends.
And, I am all the better for these friends!
Hope this post finds you all happy and healthy,
Barb aka Tilly
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or YouTube: hisblp