Wednesday, August 20, 2014


I promised the vacation, yes another smashing time at The Villages.  Flossie and Mr Wonderful just open their home to us to use as our own, or maybe I should say it turns into a geriatric dorm!!
Hubby and Mr Wonderful were the most active this year, with Flossie suffering from near exhaustion and I in the waning throws of a very bad infection after a little surgery.  
And, yes it can be told now, I was feeling so very awful thru the wedding, I was just going on sheer willpower and a whole lot of prayer.
Really the last few days of our time in Florida, I was starting to feel like a normal human again.  Flossie and I packed a lot in those last few days, with only a tiny hit to my pocketbook ;)
But the boys, oh my.  Off to lectures, Eisenhower Center, dragon boat practice, and hubby went fishing, morning, noon and early evening. Being within walking distance of 3 ponds was his idea of heaven on earth.
Now, none of our ailments stopped our dominos evenings on the lanai.  This is a very serious affair, with hubby blocking his dominos in case we are trying to peek and my insisting I am winning, since I always have the highest score.

A little video and a good nite for now.  Hope this finds you all healthy and happy!!